Friday, January 28, 2011

Some (belated) New Year's Resolutions

Finally my exams are over. They weren't the easiest but I think I got at least three of the four actuarial CT exemptions, so not all bad. But let's get back to the matter at hand! I have been thinking up of a few modest goals for this year, both live and online. So here it goes, in no particular order:

1. Earn 5,000 vpp's on Pokerstars, and with that, earn the first five VIP Stellar rewards totalling $100. 
I know a few people who read this will think that this total is quite low. I read a good few supernova elites' blogs and realise that this goal is achievable in a few hours for them,but to put this into perspective I earned a total of 1,354 vpp's and one VIP Stellar reward last year. I feel this is a good stepping stone to increasing my playing time online.

2. Earn SilverStar VIP status for at least one month this year.
This goal is already in progress and I have earned 577/750 vpp's needed for SilverStar status this month. So hopefully this is the first goal to be hit. I have been looking into the Pokerstars VIP rewards system and don't really see much difference in the BronzeStar and SilverStar status except the rate of fpp's increasing from 1 to 1.5 per vpp. There might be a few money added freerolls in there too.

3.Double my bankroll from $270 to $540.
Self explanatory, might have to move up levels to achieve this.but I will keep you posted on this. I aim to keep a running total on my blog at the end of each post with my bankroll and fpp count.

4. Qualify for a live event through Pokerstars.
Easier said then done. I have never really played in satellites on Pokerstars as I have never had the bankroll or the run good! But sure if people like SlowDoke can win 15 packages for the same event, maybe the poker gods will let me spike just one! The tournament I will be targeting is the UKIPT Dublin seeing as I wouldn't have to travel too far, but if I win a WSOP M.E  package I won't complain!

5. Play a proper live event.
I have never played in a proper live event before. Yeah, I have played in  poker societies but they are different. I need to get my feet wet! I will probably play the PaddyPower Irish Student Masters in March and will have to buy in directly because the satellites never fill up on PPP.

So there's my goals. I am sure to add more during the year when different events like the SCOOP and WCOOP pop up. I am currently playing the WBCOOP qualifiers and I will fill you in on that in the next blogpost. Laters.